There are many opportunities available for you to partner with us in brining the gospel to Haiti. Would you consider partnering with us through one or more of the following?
Nothing can be accomplished without being connected to the True Vine! If you would like to be on our prayer list, getting updates on what God is doing through Mighty Grace Ministries, please email mightygraceministries@gmail.com with the subject “Prayer Team Request.”
There are many ministries that are doing the Lord’s work out there. Please ask God if being a financial partner or sponsor of a child for Mighty Grace Ministries is something He is calling you to do. Consider giving a one-time financial gift or a monthly gift.
Clothes? Soccer balls? Medicine? There are lots of items that Lagrange can use and be blessed by.
Are you interested in serving overseas? We can work with your God-given talents and passions. If you have any questions or are interested in giving your precious time to the precious people of Lagrange, please email mightygraceministries@gmail.com with the subject “Serving Opportunities.”
We would love to speak at your church about what we’re doing. Please email mightygraceministries@gmail.com if you are interested in having us share our ministry vision and plans, and we can make arrangements.