Stevenson Renonce

Stevenson Renonce

Stevenson Renonce is 10 years old and in 4th grade. Both of his parents are committed followers of Christ. Stevenson has three brothers and 2 sisters. Would you please consider sponsoring Stevenson's education with $117 for the entire year?
Rosenika Renonce

Rosenika Renonce

Rosenika Renonce is 8 years old. She is in first grade. Her father past a way and she lives with her single parent with 3 sisters and 2 brother. Her parent is a pagan worshiper. Would you please consider sponsoring Rosenika's education with $40 for the entire year?


On September 3rd, 2021, Natasha's dad passed away. None of her family is Christian, and she has no source of support. Would you please consider sponsoring Natasha's education with $40 for the entire year?

Jean Wensky

Jean Wensky is 16 years old. He is in seventh grade. His parents split up. He lives with his mother, who is a follower of Christ. Would you please consider sponsoring Jean's education with $100 for the entire year?
Henrique Jordan Saint-Louis

Henrique Jordan Saint-Louis

Henrique Jordan Saint-Louis is 12 years old. He is in third grade. Henrique’s parents are separated. The father is a pagan, and his mother is a follower of Christ. The father is 35 years old, and the mother is 32. They are farmers. Would you please consider sponsoring Henrique's education with $40 for the entire year?

Ovide Dastinot

Ovide Dastinot is 8 years old and in third grade. He has three sisters. Ovide lost his father and is now living with his 38-year-old mother. She is a devoted Christian and a farmer. Would you please consider sponsoring Ovide’s education with $167 for the entire year?
Abdias Joseph

Abdias Joseph

Abdias Joseph is 7 years old. He is in third grade. Abdias has two sisters. The parents are farmers and pagan worshippers. The father is 31 years old, and the mother is 28. Would you please consider sponsoring Abdias's education with $40 for the entire year?
Muralex Ulysse

Muralex Ulysse

Muralex Ulysse is 11 years old. He is in fifth grade. Muralex has one sister. His parents are Christ-followers. The father is 32 years old, and the mother is 40 years old. They are farmers. Would you please consider sponsoring Muralex's education with $105 for the entire year?
Benchely Oxide

Benchely Oxide

Benchely Oxide is 14 years old and in fifth grade. Benchely has two brothers. The father is 34 years old, and the mother is 44 years old. They are farmers and are voodoo worshippers. Would you please consider sponsoring Benchely's education with $40 for the entire year?