Wiseman Belzince
Wiseman Belzince is the pastor of Èvangélique de la Grace in Montrous, Haiti. This Church was part of Bon Samaritain Mission before it became independent of its own under Pastor Wiseman, who studied pastoral studies at Step Bible School in Haiti. His father was the previous pastor before him. In 2020, while planting église la Grace de Lagrange, he approached pastor Kesny to join his mission. St Louis has invited Belzince to join the Church’s inauguration in Lagrange as our guest speaker. In 2011, Kesny asked Belzince if he could assist him with the summer Bible. Pastor St Louis always inverted having pastor Belzince next to him in the ministry.

Enoch Dorvil
Enoch Dorvil started Église, assemblée de dévoué pour Chris de la grande Grace with Pastor Wadson in 2015 like pastor wiseman in 2020 they approach pastor St Louis to join MGM. St Louis then helped them establish leadership and led various seminars on Church leadership and theological doctrine. Kesny met Enock in 2020 through Wadson. He spent two years ministering alongside pastor Enock.

Wadson Saint Louis
Wadson Saint Louis is the pastor of L’église la grande Grace de Lagrange. Pastor Kesny St Louis and pastor Saint Louis planted the Church in 2020. The Church faced many challenges and intense spiritual warfare. In the past, many had attempted to plant churches in that area before and did not come through due to internal opposition in the community and spiritual warfare. The Church has brought spiritual transformation to the community. God has indeed taken his throne in the community. “God taking his throne in the community” was the theme pastor Kesny used for the inauguration.