Milovena Pierville

Milovena Pierville

Milovena Pierville is 16 years old and is in seventh grade. Her mother is a Christ-follower, and her father is a pagan worshipper. The father is 38, and the mother is 36. They are farmers. Would you please consider sponsoring Milovena's education with $160 for the entire year?
Néémie Dastinot

Néémie Dastinot

Néémie Dastinot is 22 years old. Both of her parents passed away. Néémie was born and raised in the church. Would you please consider sponsoring Néémie's education with $100 for the entire year?
Zaché Fleuricourt

Zaché Fleuricourt

Zaché Fleuricourt is 11 years old. His father died. Zaché lives with his mother. She is a devoted Christian. She farms to provide for her family. Would you please consider sponsoring Zaché’s education with $140 for the entire year?
Manno Ulysse

Manno Ulysse

Manno Ulysse is 12 years old and is in third grade. He lost both of his parents. He lives with his grandparents, who are in their late 70s. They are farmers and are pagan worshippers. Would you please consider sponsoring Manno's education with between $40 and $220 for the entire year?
Ezekias Jean Baptiste

Ezekias Jean Baptiste

Ezekias Jean Baptiste is 11 years old and is in third grade. Ezekias has three sisters and two brothers. His mother is a Christ-follower, and the father is a pagan worshipper. They are farmers. The father is 52, and the mother is 46 years. Would you please consider sponsoring Ezekias's education with between $40 and $220 for the entire year?
Phedjina Saint Louis

Phedjina Saint Louis

Phedjina Saint Louis is 14 years old and in sixth grade. Sher has four sisters and a brother. Her parents are farmers and Christ-followers. The father is 44 years old, and the mother is 39 years old. Would you please consider sponsoring Phedijina's education with between $40 and $220 for the entire year?